Concurrent Editing of Business Records

A record can be edited simultaneously by 'n' number of users. When a user edits a business record, other users accessing the same record see a warning icon indicating that the record is currently being edited by a particular user. Hover the mouse cursor over this icon to see the warning message. The display of the warning message on concurrent editing of business records will depend on the application settings configured by the Administrator.

Administrator Configuration Settings

orgunit-concurrent editing

The warning message icon will be displayed on the attribute form or list form until:

Let us consider the following use cases to understand the functionality in an effective manner.

Case 1: User1 is editing an Org called Org1. Simultaneously, User2 and User3 access Org1.

Here, User2 and User3 will see the warning message icon stating that Org1 is being edited by User1 (when the mouse cursor is hovered over the warning message icon), along with details of User1. Please note that personal details of any user will be displayed in the warning message only if it is configured to be displayed by the Administrator in Application Settings.

Case 2: User1 is editing an Org called Org1. Simultaneously, User2 starts editing Org1.

Now, if User3 accesses Org1, the warning message icon will display the details of the last user editing Org1. In this case, User2 has started editing Org1 after User1. Therefore, User3 will see the details of User2 in the warning message. The details of User1 will be maintained in the history. The warning message for User3 will be displayed in both Edit and View modes.

Case 3: More than one users with same user name, User1, access Org1 simultaneously.

In such a scenario, all users irrespective of same user name, will be treated as different users and warning message will display the details of the last user which has started editing the business record. The details, however, will not make much difference since all users are logged in with the same user name and therefore, the details shown in the warning message will be similar.

Notes: Administrators can configure which user details appear in the warning message. Checked Out At displays the time the user began editing the record. Last Modified By and Last Modified Date display who and when the record was last modified, prior to User1 editing it. These three fields are not configurable and are displayed in all cases.


  • Users uploading information via the content utility or via any other integration, for instance, not via the system's user interface, will not receive the warning.
  • When updating information via the workbench, users will not receive the warning, as the workbench provides field-by-field conflict resolution, which allows users to see the field information that has changed since they began working with the data.
  • Records being updated via the system’s survey engine may not display this warning message because of the following reasons:
    • Technical glitches
    • The purpose of the survey engine is to request updates to specific fields, that are intended for a certain stakeholder’s response. Therefore, it is assumed that multiple stakeholders are not updating the field simultaneously, that is the target of the assessment.
  • The warning message icon will be displayed for all business records and list forms of all entities and their corresponding sub-objects i.e. Objectives, Risks, Controls, Tests, if they are being edited simultaneously. The warning icon for sub-objects will be displayed adjacent to the Edit and Delete icons in respective line item. if it is already being edited.
  • The warning message icon will NOT be displayed while editing the Admin content of various Governance Portal areas, such as PCS List, Classifications, Documentation Formats, Checklists, Time and Expense etc.
  • The warning message icon will also be displayed against the business record in the Action Items list if the parent entity or RCM is being edited by another user.

See Also

Navigation & Common Functionality

Administrator Configuration Settings - Concurrent Editing of Business Records

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