Project Findings

During the course of an project the team will identify a variety of findings, opportunities and other items that require management's attention and action. These findings represent an team member's observation of a potential issue or opportunity for improvement that was uncovered while evaluating process design and operational effectiveness. Initial findings should be documented and may require additional follow-up with management for clarification. Upon further validation of the facts, the project team can then determine if the control is reasonable and no further action is required or if the finding should be included in the project report.

Findings can be created for the following objects:

Each project finding contains a description of the issue, a proposed solution for the issue and allows the team member and management to track the solution through implementation. Based on the criticality of the issue, the issue origin and the projector's professional judgment, the issue will be classified as a reportable finding (included in project report), a potential finding or an opportunity for improvement.

The findings form is divided into two sections:

Note: Administrators can configure notifications to be sent based on a specific date or event (i.e. creating, updating, closing, deleting) in a finding. See Notification Management for details.

See Also


Project Findings - Critical Path

View Project Findings

Create a Finding

Edit a Finding

Copy a Finding

Link/Unlink Findings to Other RCM Objects

Delete a Finding

Manage Findings - Management Response

Configure your Findings Information

Project Finding Observer

Configure the Governance Portal to use the Project Finding Observer

Project Upload Utility

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Review a Finding

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Identify & Evaluate Controls: Using a Project Risk Control Matrix (RCM)

Project Testing

Project Notifications


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