View Project Findings

This view allows the user to view findings created for a specific project, work paper or RCM object (objective, risk, control or testing detail) and their current status. In addition, users may view specific findings they have been assigned to complete or review through Action Items. See Action Items for additional information.

  1. Access the project.
  2. Click the Findings tab.

    Note: A stakeholder can access the finding of a confidential project, if the stakeholder is assigned to the finding as the Finding Management Owner.

    View Audit Findings

  3. By default, the following fields will display.




    Entity Name

    The name of the entity (project, RCM, work paper) where the finding was created. This will be blank if the finding is for a work paper

    Hyperlink to the project unit

    Finding Name

    Name of the finding

    Hyperlink to the finding form

    Finding Description

    Description of the finding

    Read only

    Finding Criticality

    Criticality of the finding.

    Read only

    Finding Assigned Team Member

    Name of the user assigned to the finding

    Read only

    Finding Review Status

    Status of the finding review

    Read only

    Finding Management Owner

    User who has been assigned to provide the management response

    Read only

    Finding Findings Disposition

    The nature of the finding (e.g. preliminary, draft or reportable)

    Read only

    Finding Due Date

    The date by which management should respond to the finding

    Read only

    RCM Object

    The object associated with the finding

    Hyperlink to the object (e.g. control form)

Note: A list of findings for a specific object may be viewed by accessing the object (e.g. control, project test etc.) and selecting the Findings tab.

See Also

Project Findings

Project Findings - Critical Path

Create a Finding

Edit a Finding

Copy a Finding

Link/Unlink Findings to Other RCM Objects

Delete a Finding

Manage Findings - Management Response

Configure your Findings Information

Project Finding Observer

Configure the Governance Portal to use the Project Finding Observer

Project Upload Utility