Search for Indicator Measurements

This search allows the user to look for measurements, for any indicator, that have been completed or are due for the object. It provides a snapshot of measurement history. By default, indicator measurements are displayed based on the saved search established by the administrator. However, the search may be edited and a new default view can be saved.

  1. Access the appropriate object (RCM, risk, control, objective, financial element, risk event category).
  2. Click the Indicators tab.
  3. Click Edit Search in the Indicator Measurement Search List section.

    Note: See Edit a Search in a List for additional information.

  4. Click the indicator definition name to go to the selected indicator.

See Also

Managing Indicator Measurements

View Assigned Indicator Measurements

Score an Indicator Measurement Point

Add an Indicator Measurement Period

Edit an Indicator measurement

Lock an Indicator Measurement

Delete an Indicator Measurement