View Assigned Indicator Measurements

Users may access indicators they are required to measure in several ways:

Access via Email

  1. Open your email.
  2. Click the hyperlink for the indicator.

Access via Action Items List

  1. Click the Favorites & Action Items tab in the left navigation pane.
  2. Expand Action Items.
  3. Expand Indicators.
  4. Click measure.

Measurement Point

  1. Access the object (RCM, objective, risk, control, financial element, risk event category).
  2. Click the Indicators tab.

    RCM - Indicator tab

Note: A list of indicators linked to the object is listed in the Indicators section. An indicator measurement search is also available to assist in locating specific measurement information.


See Also

Managing Indicator Measurements

Score an Indicator Measurement Point

Search for Indicator Measurements

Add an Indicator Measurement Period

Edit an Indicator measurement

Lock an Indicator Measurement

Delete an Indicator Measurement