A measurement point is a specific object that has been linked to an indicator and needs to be scored for designated periods. For example, an indicator regarding number of customer complaints received is scored at the end of each month for the established helpdesk control for ABC Corporation.
The Measurements section displays a list of all scores (past and present) for the select measurement point.
Click Edit next to the period to score.
Note: The measurement value field will be zero.
Enter the measurement value (score).
Note: You may also edit the period start and end dates.
Place a check in the Measurement Locked column to prevent any changes to the score value for this period.
Only users in the Admin role may unlock a measurement
Automatic creation of the next measurement period, if utilized, requires the measurement to be locked
Click Save to accept the score for the period.
The system will automatically generate the variance scores. This is the difference between the threshold(s) established in the indicator contextual information and the value entered for the period.
A notification, if established in the contextual information of the indicator, will be generated and sent to the appropriate party based on user roles if the measurement value is above or below the thresholds.
If the auto-creation functionality is being utilized and the measurement is locked, a new measurement period will automatically be created.