Icon Library

  1. The Icon Library is where you select and manage icon images for your ribbon links and contexts. You can access the icon Library by clicking the Select Icon button from the Context Management screen or when editing a link in the ribbon.

    Icon Library - Ribbon Links

    Select an Icon Image for Display

Click the image you wish to display as an icon and click Open. The image name will be displayed in the icon path for the link/context.

Add an Icon to the Library

  1. Click actionmeun Upload

    Upload icon dialog

  2. Click Select and browse for the icon file.

    Note: The allowed file extensions are .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .png.

  3. Click Upload. The icon will be uploaded to the Icon Library.
  4. Select the icon and click Open to apply it to the context.

Remove an Icon from the Library

  1. Select the icon you wish to delete from the Icon Library.
  2. Click icon - Delete Icon Delete. Click OK to confirm deletion.

    Note: You cannot delete the system defined icons.

See Also

The Navigation Ribbon

Ribbon Management
