Design Templates allow you to customize the look and feel of an assessment.
Design Template Functions
You can manage a variety of functions from the Design Templates List screen. This screen allows you to create, update, copy, delete, inactivate, activate, and preview design templates.
Create a Design Template
Edit a Design Template
Copy a Design Template
Mark the checkbox next to the template and click Copy to make a copy of the selected template.
Delete a Design Template
Click Delete to remove the selected template from the Design Templates list.
Inactivate a Design Template
Mark the checkbox next to the active template you want to make inactive and click Inactivate.
Note: The status of the selected template changes to No in the Active column.
Activate a Design Template
Mark the checkbox next to the inactive template you want to make active and click Activate.
Note: The status of the selected template changes to Yes in the Active column.
Preview a Design Template
Mark the checkbox next to the design template and click Preview.