View the Action Items List

  1. Expand the Favorites & Action Items tab in the left navigation pane.
  2. Expand Action Items.

    Action Items List


    • The action item tasks (e.g. tests, audits etc.) assigned to the user are displayed in the list.
    • The number behind the object name indicates the total number of assigned tasks/action items for the object.
  3. Click icon-Expand Expand to view the category details.

    Action Items List details

    Note: Once expanded, the sub-categories of the tasks/action items assigned (e.g. audit, review, evaluation etc.) are displayed under the associated category. The sub-categories are determined by the type of task created or the action required by the user.

  4. Hover over the action item sub-categories to view a count and the status of the relating tasks/action items (e.g. Not due, Approaching due and Over due).

    Action Item List status

  5. Click the sub-category.


    • A list of objects (e.g. RCMs, audits, tests etc.) and the associated action item/task is displayed.
    • Utilize the Edit Search functionality to edit the list of columns displayed and to filter the data displayed in the list. See Utilize List Searches for additional information.
    • Click on the icon-Action Menu Action Menu beside each action item to access details (e.g. attributes, review information, resolution information) regarding the selected object
    • Click the various links to drill into additional detail.

See Also

Action Items

View Task Details

Edit Assigned Task Attributes

View Related Tasks

Update Tasks Individually or in Mass