Priority Value Lists

Priority value lists allow you to define the values, background and font color display characteristics employed around the Financial Model, PCS, Organizational Unit Model, and Project priority, Projects & Events, IT Applications, and Policies & Procedures. A description of each prioritization value is contained below:

Financial Element

Provides visual display of financial element prioritization.

Financial Model

Organizational Unit

Provides visual display organizational unit prioritization.

Organizational Unit form

Process Classification

Provides visual display of process classification and process prioritization.

Process Classification Attributes form

Process form

Project Priority

Provides a visual display of project priority

ELRA dashboard, Project Universe

IT Applications

Provides a visual display of IT application prioritization.

IT Application form

Policies & Procedures

Provides a visual display of policy and procedure prioritization.

Policy and Procedure form

Projects & Events

Provides a visual display of custom entity prioritization.

Project and Event form

See Also


Add a Value to a Priority Value List

Edit a Priority Value List

Delete a Value from a Priority Value List

