
Categories are a classification of values that are used in drop-down lists throughout various forms. Each category is comprised of a list of values that a user will select when completing information in the Governance Portal.

The Governance Portal comes pre-populated with a list of categories and associated values. However, additional categories and/or values may be added. Note: Categories can only be assigned to text fields within a form. Therefore, the administrator must configure the form to contain a text field. The category is then selected for the text field during the configuration process. The user will see the drop-down list of values displayed for selection. See Configure a Form and Configure Field Settings for additional information.

Note: Users can utilize categories with calculated fields to trigger an event to deploy workflow tasks and email notifications. For more information, see Event Driven Workflow or Event Driven Notifications.

See Also

View a Category

Add a Category

Edit a Category

Create a new Category using an Existing Category

Delete a Category

View Category Values

Add a Category Value

Add Multiple Category Values

Edit a Category Value

Sort Values in a Category

Link Category Values to Roles

GP - Sec - Linked Object View Access for RCM Objects

Add an Icon to a Category Value

Update a Category Value Reference

Delete a Category Value