
Once the fields (columns) have been defined as part of a list search, these fields can be filtered to return only the criteria that you specify. In addition, filters can be applied to reports to narrow the results displayed in the report. In other words, filters allow the user to focus a list search/report by creating a query using parameters to minimize the result set. Each filter must include an And/Or selection and requires the user to complete the next three fields with a field name, query condition, and a value. Utilize the table below to guide your filtering exercise.

Note: Filters containing numerical values must be at least two digits. For example, if you wish to filter for a process number between 1 and 3, you need to enter 01 and 03 in the value boxes.

  1. On the Search form, select the filter by selecting And or Or from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the field you wish to use in defining your filter.
  3. Select a condition from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter a value in the last text box.
  5. Click Add.

    The following are a list of conditions, descriptions and values through which you can filter your data:





    Allows for user to enter a single exact value to be found and returned

    Input a single value, number or text

    Not Equals


    Allows for user to enter a single exact value, that should not be returned

    Input a single value, number or text


    Number or text (exact or partial) that is found within that field

    Number or text

    Not Contains

    Number or text (exact or partial) that is not found within that field

    Number or text

    Greater than

    Value that all returns must be higher than

    Number or text

    Less than

    Value that all returns must be less than

    Number or text

    Greater than or equal to

    Value that all returns must be equivalent to or higher than

    Number or text

    Less than or equal to

    Value that all returns must be equivalent to or less than

    Number or text


    Brings up two fields with an “and” statement between

    Number or text




    Brings up a pick list with the values found in that particular field. Records with this value found will be returned

    Multi-selections are possible.

    Not in



    Inverse of the “not in” parameter, meaning that selections with these records will not be in the return list.

    Multi-selections are possible.

    Begins with

    Records where the value begins with a particular text entry will be returned.


    Number or text

    Ends with

    Records where the value ends with a particular text entry will be returned.

    Number or text

    Is Null

    Records where the value is null for a particular field will be returned (e.g. show me risks where the control name is null would show you risks that do not have controls linked to them).

    Number or text

    Is Not Null

    Records where the value is not null for a particular field will be returned (e.g. show me risks where the control name is not null would show you risks that have controls linked to them).

    Number or text


    Records where the objects are assigned to self will be returned. e.g. show me the tests which are assigned to me for execution).



    Records where the value is based on current date will be returned. (e.g. show me all the tests which are due today).



    Records where the objects are assigned to self through user groups. (e.g. show me the tests which are assigned to me for execution through a user group).


  6. (Optional) Select the parameter from the filter box and select the button-Move Up Move Up or icon-move down Move Down arrows to change the order of the filters.
  7. Click Submit.

    Note: To view the filter or search criteria, click the icon-Action Menu Action Menu and click Display.

    Search - Org Units

    Note: Enter a number in the Per Page field to change the number of results that are displayed on the page.

  8. Each record will display in a single row. Click the icon-Action Menu Action Menu or the column displayed as a hyperlink to access additional information regarding the object.

Note: Filters that search fields that are left blank on the original forms will not display those records in the Search Results page. For example, if a "does not contain XXX" filter is applied for the risk name field and the risk name field was left blank, this record, even though it does not contain XXX will not appear in the results page.

See Also

Utilize List Searches

Advanced Filter Options

Edit a Search in a List

Save a List Search

Execute a Search

Utilize Saved Searches

Delete Saved Searches

Download Search Results

Set Individualized Default Search Criteria