Manage Filters in the Project Hierarchy

Filters help you streamline project information in the Project Hierarchy tree. With the help of filters, you can choose which objects you would like to be displayed.

Default Assessment Hierarchy Filters

Project Hierarchy has 3 default filters: Current, Pending, and Complete. These filters are available out-of-the-box with Project Hierarchy for new clients. Existing Governance Portal clients will have to add the All Audits icon to the ribbon to get the default filters. As their names suggest, the Current filter will show the opened projects, the Pending filter will show all pending projects, while the Closed filter will show the projects that are now closed.

  1. Access the Project Hierarchy.

    project hierarchy 2

    Execute a Filter

  2. Select a filter from the Filters drop-down menu in the navigation bar.


  3. Right-click the filter in the Filters drop-down list and select View Cached Results or View Live Results, depending on the result you selected in the Schedule tab.

    Add a Filter

  4. Select Add New Filter from the Filters drop-down list in the navigation bar at the top of the screen. The Filters drop-down is set to All Audits by default.

    project hierarchy filter

  5. Each filter is assigned a default name that you can update by typing a new name in the Name text box.

    Note: Name is a required field. You cannot leave it blank.

  6. Select a view definition from the View Definition drop-down list. The Default Project Hierarchy View is the default view definition for the project hierarchy tree. Note that the the view definition will be displayed as Default Project Hierarchy View to the new clients.

    Note: For more information on view definitions, see the Manage View Definitions topic.

  7. Fill out the following information:
    • The Objects Tab
    • The Filter Tab
    • The Schedule Tab
  8. Click icon- Save to save your changes, icon-Run Run to run the filter without saving, or Cancel to undo your changes.

    Edit a Filter

  9. From the Navigation Bar: Right-click the filter you want to edit, from the Filters drop-down list, select Edit Filter. OR:
  10. Edit the Existing Filter: After a filter has been executed, select icon-edit-search-criteria Edit Filter from the drop-down list.
  11. Update the the following information, as needed:
    • The Objects Tab
    • The Filter Tab
    • The Schedule Tab
  12. Click icon- Save to save your changes, or Cancel to undo them.

    Delete a Filter

  13. Right-click the filter you want to delete from the drop-down list, select Delete and click OK to confirm the deletion.


  14. Select the filter you want to delete from the drop-down list and select icon-edit-search-criteria Edit Filter.
  15. Click Delete to delete the filter.
  16. Click icon- Save to save your changes, or Cancel to undo them.

Note: You can edit or delete the default filters.

See Also

Project Hierarchy

Manage Folders in the Project Hierarchy

Manage Projects in the Project Hierarchy

Manage Folder Permissions in the Project Hierarchy

Upgrade Guide to v4.3 for Existing Clients - Project Hierarchy