Add a Question - Standard Assessment
  1. Access the Questions tab or the Question Template List.
  2. Mark the checkbox next to the page or template you wish to update. and click icon-AddNOVI Insert question or visual element.

Select the basic questions or visual element type and format you wish to use. A sample version of the question you chose will appear at the bottom of the screen. When you have found the type that suits you, click OK. The type you choose will populate the question configuration screen with predefined default settings, depending on your selection..

The following fields are common to all questions:

Note: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

  1. Element: Allows you to change the question type. To do so, select whether you would like to add a question or a presentation element. Then, select a type from the drop-down list.

    Note: Click Help me choose to return to the original selection screen.

  2. * Question text: The text used in the Assessment question.

    Note: Question text must be defined for each language in the Assessment

  3. Question short name: The question short name is a language independent name for the question that will be used in reports. If the question short name is not defined, the name for the question for the default language for the Assessment will be used in reports.
  4. Question sub-text: The question sub-text displays below the question name and can be used to give assessors instructions on how to answer the question or to clarify the information provided in the question name
  5. Comment field: Select the Include comment field checkbox if you would like to include a comment field below your question. Then, select whether a comment is required and type the label for the comment field.
  6. Attachment field: Select the Include attachment field checkbox if you would like to include an attachment field below your question. Then, select whether an attachment is required and type the label for the attachment field.
  7. Not Applicable: Select the Allow not applicable answer checkbox if you would like to include a non applicable answer to your question.
    • Click the Require reason checkbox if you want to include a text field to explain the reason. If checked, you can then specify if you want the response in a single line of text or multiple lines, and also type a label for the reason.

      Note: This function is not available for Demographic and Matrix/Multimatrix question types.

Question Types

The section below lists the different question types and the fields specific to those types:


File Upload

Matrix and Multimatrix

Multiple Choice

Open Ended

Rating and Ranking

Visual Element Types

Presentation elements are used to customize the appearance of pages or display information not readily included in questions. The following visual elements are available:




Page Divider


Click icon- Save when finished.

See Also

Manage Questions in a Standard Assessment

Edit a Question - Standard Assessment

Copy a Question - Standard Assessment

Import a Question - Standard Assessment

Break a Question from a Page - Standard Assessment

Move/Sort Questions in a Page - Standard Assessment

Delete a Question - Standard Assessment