Roll Back to a Previous Version

Users have the ability to make a previous version of a file that has been saved in the Governance Portal the current version. When a roll back occurs, all versions of the file saved after the selected version, including the current version are deleted from the Governance Portal. For example, if there are 5 versions of a file and a user decides to make version 3 the current version, then versions 4 and 5 will be deleted from the database.

Note: The file versioning process is different if a file has been uploaded using SharePoint. For more information, see File Versioning Using SharePoint.

  1. Access the object that contains the file to be rolled back.
  2. Click Attachments.
  3. Click icon-Expand Expand to expand the folder that contains the attachment, if necessary.
  4. Right-click on the name of the file you wish to roll back and click icon-Version History Version History.


  5. Right click on the file, click icon-Edit View Properties and click Previous Versions.

    View Version History

  6. Click View on the Version History screen next to the name of the version you wish to make the current version.
  7. Click Make Current Version.

    Version History - Make Current Warning

  8. Click OK in the warning box.

See Also

File Versioning Overview

Upload a New File/New Version

Download the Current File

View Previous File Versions

Check Out a File

Check in a File