Create a Batched Notification Template
  1. Access the Notification Template screen.
  2. Click Add in the Email Notification Templates - Batched Dispatch section.

  3. Subject - Enter the subject of the email.

    Note: Click Add Token to include the site name in the subject line.

  4. Description - Enter a description of the notification template.

    Note: This field is for informational purposes only and will not appear in the email sent to the users.

  5. From - Enter the email address that will be included in the "From:" field in the email.
  6. Custom Text - Enter the text you would like to include in the top of the email body.


    • Click Add Token to include the site name in the subject line.
    • Additional custom text can be created in each event within the notification template. See Edit a Batched Notification Template for details.

  7. Enabled - Select this checkbox to enable notifications to be sent using this template.
  8. Click Save.

See Also

Batched Dispatch Notification Templates

Edit a Batched Notification Template